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Integrated Security

Build a robust and layered security posture that protects your people, assets, and data in today's evolving threat landscape.

Physical Security Solutions

Fortress Your Foundation:

Africawide's physical security solutions create a layered defense, safeguarding your people, assets, and environment from unauthorized access and physical threats. We offer a comprehensive suite of solutions, from biometric access control and key management to smart building security and environmental monitoring.​

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Enhancing security and convenience.

Streamline access control and enhance security with our Biometric Access Control solutions.

Provide a secure and convenient way to manage access to buildings and restricted areas.

Leverage the power of fingerprint, palm, iris, or facial recognition technology to eliminate the need for traditional keys or cards.  

Our solutions offer a seamless and user-friendly experience while  strengthening your security posture.


Solution Set:

Fingerprint scanners

Facial recognition cameras

Iris recognition systems

Palm scanners

Access control panels and software



​Multi-factor authentication:

Combine biometric verification with additional factors like PINs or access codes for enhanced security.


User management and access control:

Centrally manage user profiles, assign access rights, and track access history.


Scalability and integration:

Seamlessly integrate with existing security systems and access control infrastructure.


High accuracy and user convenience:

Advanced biometric technology ensures reliable identification and a smooth user experience.​



Office Buildings:

Secure access to office buildings, sensitive areas, and server rooms.


Manufacturing Facilities:

Control access to production floors, restricted zones, and high-value equipment.


Data Centers:

Ensure authorized personnel access to critical data infrastructure.


Government Facilities:

Heighten security for government buildings and secure areas.


Residential Buildings:

Secure apartment buildings, common areas, and individual units.



  • Enhanced Security: Eliminate the risk of lost or stolen keys and cards.

  • Improved Convenience: Grant access with a simple biometric scan, eliminating the need to carry keys or cards.

  • Streamlined Access Management: Centrally manage user access and permissions for improved efficiency.

  • Reduced Costs: Reduce the cost of issuing and managing physical keys or cards.

  • Increased Accountability: Track access history and identify individuals entering restricted areas.

  • Improved User Experience: Offer a touchless and user-friendly access control experience.

Cybersecurity Solutions

Fortify Your Digital Frontier:

In today's digital world, a robust cybersecurity posture is essential. Africawide's comprehensive cybersecurity solutions protect your network, data, and systems from cyberattacks and evolving threats. We offer advanced solutions like cryptography, network security, zero-trust models, and user training to keep you secure.

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Safeguarding Your Data in a Digital Age.

Robust data encryption solutions, safeguarding your sensitive information: cryptography solution that secures your data across its lifecycle, from creation to storage and transmission. ​


In today's data-driven world, protecting sensitive information is paramount. Africawide Cryptography provides robust solutions that ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data, at rest and in transit.  Our advanced encryption technologies safeguard your valuable assets from unauthorized access and data breaches, empowering you to operate with confidence in the digital landscape.


Features: ​

Data Encryption:

Encrypt data at rest and in transit using industry-standard algorithms like AES and RSA.


Key Management:

Securely generate, store, and manage encryption keys to ensure data access control.


Digital Signing and Verification:

Sign and verify digital documents to guarantee authenticity and prevent tampering.


Data Loss Prevention (DLP):

Implement controls to prevent sensitive data from being accidentally or maliciously leaked.



Data Protection:

Secure sensitive data like customer information, financial records, and intellectual property.


Email Security:

Encrypt email communication to safeguard confidential information.


Secure File Sharing:

Enable secure file sharing within your organization and with external partners.


Regulatory Compliance:

Meet industry regulations and data privacy laws that mandate data encryption.


Website Security:

Protect website data and user transactions with encryption protocols like HTTPS.



Enhanced Data Security: Safeguard your data from unauthorized access, theft, and breaches.

Improved Regulatory Compliance: Meet data protection regulations and avoid costly penalties.

Increased Trust and Transparency: Demonstrate your commitment to data security and build trust with customers and partners.

Reduced Risk of Data Breaches: Minimize the impact of cyberattacks by encrypting sensitive data.

Secure Communication and Collaboration: Enable secure communication and collaboration across your organization.

Peace of Mind: Operate with confidence knowing your data is protected with advanced encryption solutions.

Identity Management Solutions

Know Who You're Dealing With:

Ensure trust and compliance with Africawide's identity management solutions. We offer KYC (Know Your Customer) and identity management systems to verify user identities and access rights. Implement multi-factor authentication and other advanced methods for a strong first line of defense.


Gain complete user visibility and ensure compliance.

Onboard users efficiently, manage access effectively, and achieve regulatory compliance.​


Africawide KYC (Know Your Customer) and Identity Management solutions empower you to confidently verify user identities, streamline onboarding processes, and comply with evolving regulations. Our comprehensive solutions provide a clear picture of who is accessing your systems, enabling you to make informed decisions and mitigate security risks.​



Identity Verification:

Verify user identities through various methods, including document verification, facial recognition, and government databases.

User Registration and Onboarding:

Streamline user registration and onboarding processes with user-friendly interfaces.

Access Control and Permissions:

Manage user access rights and permissions based on roles and predefined criteria.

Audit Trails and Reporting:

Maintain a clear audit trail of user activities and generate comprehensive reports for compliance purposes.



Financial Services:

Comply with KYC regulations and prevent financial crime by verifying customer identities.


Government Services:

Securely manage citizen identities and access to government services.


E-commerce and Online Platforms:

Verify user identities to prevent fraud and ensure secure transactions.



Protect patient data and ensure authorized access to medical records.


Human Resources:

Streamline employee onboarding and manage access rights to internal systems.



  • Enhanced Security: Mitigate security risks by verifying user identities and controlling access.

  • Improved Regulatory Compliance: Meet KYC and other identity verification regulations.

  • Streamlined Onboarding Processes: Reduce onboarding times and improve user experience.

  • Increased Trust and Transparency: Build trust with customers and partners by demonstrating strong identity verification practices.

  • Reduced Fraudulent Activity: Prevent unauthorized access and fraudulent activity within your systems.

  • Improved Data Governance: Gain a clear understanding of who is accessing your data and for what purpose.



Our partners provide the essential building blocks for robust and reliable integrated security solutions. 

Africawide collaborates with industry leaders to offer a holistic range of cutting-edge line of defense technologies to safeguard your critical data and infrastructure.

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25 West Street

Houghton Estate


South Africa


Strategic Partnerships

Africawide takes a holistic approach to partnerships, building a powerful ecosystem of best-in-class solution providers. We integrate leading payment solutions, cash handling systems, fintech tools, and digital banking platforms with robust hardware and expert systems integration. This unified approach ensures seamless compatibility and maximizes functionality across all components. This positions us to deliver future-proof offerings that enable you to deliver exceptional fit-for-purpose solutions.


A Tier 1 upstream service provider, PCCW Global offers a robust SD network, mobility and voice solutions, and advanced security features. This strong foundation ensures reliable and secure connectivity for our public WiFi and business solutions.

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